$1,997.00 USD

  1. Course fees are non-refundable as you will receive downloadable program material that is yours to keep.
  2. Mindfulness With Mahara retains all ownership and intellectual property rights to the course content.
  3. You are fully responsible for the outcomes you achieve.

Elevate Your Branding Like a Badass

Take action to unveil your authenticity and speak directly to your ideal client with badass branding.

You will walk away with the following:

💥 Clear and concise badass messaging for your elevator pitch and Unique Selling Point.

💥 A framework for the transformation you offer your clients.

💥 Two options for brand kits in Canva (colours & fonts).

💥 Crystal clear Do-With-You content templates (2) based on your brand. 

Includes a month of Voxer support, ensuring you have ongoing guidance and support as you unleash your branding superpowers. 💫