$47.00 USD

  1. Course fees are non-refundable as you will receive downloadable program material that is yours to keep.
  2. Mindfulness With Mahara retains all ownership and intellectual property rights to the course content.
  3. You are fully responsible for the outcomes you achieve.

Masterclass~What To Do When You Question Being An Entrepreneur

Take control through moments of doubt with this provocative masterclass.

What you'll get:

  • Clarity: Illuminate your entrepreneurial journey with clarity. Gain insights into your goals, values, and the essence of your entrepreneurial spirit. 
  • Vision: Reconnect with the visionary aspect of entrepreneurship. Craft a clear and inspiring vision for your business that fuels your passion and motivation. 

  • Grace: Embrace grace as a guiding principle in your entrepreneurial endeavours. Learn to navigate setbacks with resilience, kindness, and patience. 

"Choose to dream and listen to that little voice that tells you to be brave, patient, and never give up." Let this empowering mantra be your anchor as you navigate the entrepreneurial landscape with clarity, vision, and grace.

What People Are Saying:

The modules build on each other, and I had a real sense of progress and growth after each session. I feel ready to take on my dreams!
