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The Power Of Connection

connect the dots mindfulness oprah power of connection Apr 08, 2021


As I think about what I want to write about in my first blog, I am struck by just how much I don't know. I don't know what to write. Honestly. I don't know what you will be looking for when you visit my website. Hey, I don't even know what day it is! So I will tackle this particular problem as I have done in the past; by pretending that Oprah is interviewing me. She just asked me what one of the greatest moments of my life was. My first thought is to tell her that, "Meeting you of course!" which, by the way, I have done courtesy of my work with WW (formerly known as Weight Watchers). However, that answer dies a quick death.

My next thought is that giving birth qualifies as a significant moment in my life. True; however, the idea that comes barreling to the forefront is a unique memory from when I was a young adult living in Vancouver. I had a part-time job as the receptionist for a couple that gave psychic readings on Granville Island.

Don't ask how I got that job because I honestly cannot remember. However, I do remember a brief but powerful moment I had with an elderly East Indian man who wanted an appointment. His gait as he approached my registration table was slow and hesitant. His demeanour was shy as he asked if there were any available times that afternoon to have a reading. Unfortunately, when I answered that we were all booked for the day, his eyes filled with tears as he stood silently, looking directly into my eyes. I reached across the card table and gently touched his sleeve, and asked, "Can I help?" He smiled slightly and responded, "You just did." Then he turned and shuffled away.

At the time, the interaction meant little to me, and I quickly forgot it. Now, thirty years later, the memory of it brings tears to my eyes and a lightness to my heart. It was perhaps one of the first times that I was shown, firsthand, the power of connection and the strength of the human spirit. Has something like that ever happened to you? I would love to hear about it! Please consider leaving a comment so we can continue this conversation about defining great moments in your life.