Book a Badass Breakthrough Session

It's Boss To Be Badass!

Book a Badass Breakthrough Session

Hey, I'm Mahara, a total badass, here to help you be one also!

Welcome to Mindfulness With Mahara, where I empower female entrepreneurs to cultivate a CEO mindset and unlock their inner strength to navigate life's challenges confidently. As an author, motivational speaker, podcaster, and CEO of my business, I'm dedicated to guiding you on your journey towards personal and professional fulfillment.

Say goodbye to struggling and feeling BLAH. Let's embrace empowerment, female entrepreneurship, mindfulness, and personal development to shatter limits and conquer any obstacle that crosses our path. Together, we'll cultivate a badass mindset, build confidence, and achieve success in both life and business.

It's time to embrace your inner strength, harness your self-belief, and unleash your full potential. Get ready to embark on a journey of self-discovery, resilience building, and goal setting. With Mindfulness With Mahara, you'll learn to navigate the complexities of entrepreneurship with grace and determination, crafting the life and business of your dreams.

Exclusive Podcast Series

Are you tired of...

▶︎ feeling overwhelmed and stressed out by the constant demands of your work? 

▶︎ battling imposter syndrome and struggling with self-doubt leaving you feeling BLAH?

▶︎ sacrificing your personal life and well-being for the sake of your business? 

Pssst...I'm here to remind you that success in business doesn't have to mean sacrificing your well-being or authenticity. 


Your journey as a small business owner or entrepreneur can be both fulfilling and badass, and I'm here to show you how.


Want more out of your business but not sure where to start?

Been there.

Feel stuck in a cycle of overwhelm and self-doubt?

Been there too.

Yearn for a life where you can be both a successful entrepreneur and a genuinely happy person?

I hear you.


I understand your desires and struggles. The good news is that you're not alone, and I'm here to help you break through these barriers and create a thriving, authentic, and badass life as an entrepreneur.

Can you relate to this?

▶︎ You lack clarity or focus in your business.

▶︎ You struggle with self-doubt and imposter syndrome.

▶︎ You are determined to fake it until you make it.

▶︎ You are desperate to be your authentic self in business and life.

Great news! You're in the right place, and I've got your back. Say goodbye to doubts and fears and ignite your inner badass instead.

Cultivate your CEO mindset and smile when no one is looking.

My Coaching Approach


Get clear on what you want, and use powerful tools to help cultivate your CEO mindset!


Get ready to unleash the ultimate power within you! It's time to get crystal clear on your business and arm yourself with the most powerful tools to nurture your CEO self and become badass in the process!

As a Mastery Method Coach, I'll be your fearless guide, leading you on a journey of self-discovery filled with clarity, compassionate self-forgiveness, and audacious exploration.

Brace yourself for an awe-inspiring transformation from the inside out, paving the way for lasting and phenomenal change. It's time to step into your greatness and conquer the world like the badass CEO you want to be!

Here's to you! đź‘‘

Brand Like A Badass 

Revolutionize your branding approach and create an authentic, magnetic brand with the transformative power of "Brand Like a Badass" Intensives. Join me on a journey of self-discovery and strategic branding prowess tailored to your unique needs and goals. Let's make your brand unforgettable and attract your soul clients.
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Build Your Best Badass Business Group Program

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1:1 Six-Month Coaching

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Essential Insights Subscription Workshop

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Recorded Badass Masterclasses

Ready to supercharge your personal and professional growth in a way that's both affordable and tailored to your unique needs? Introducing Masterclasses,  Targeted Bundles and The Ultimate Transformation Toolkit.
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Get ready to cultivate your CEO mindset so you radiate confidence and authenticity, even when no one's watching because you are an absolute badass!

Book A Badass Breakthrough Session

"If you are open to learning and looking for that boost in life to remind you how badass you are, then working with Mahara is a must; you will be a better you and who doesn’t want that?"

- Ro

"Mahara is an amazing and graceful coach who comes with so much wisdom, knowledge and value. Working with her is transformative!"

- Sia