Book a Badass Breakthrough Session

When You're Badass, Anything is Possible...

Like Building a Better Business!

You know... the one you dream about every night where you are ecstatic, your clients love what you offer and your bank account grows daily. 



to break free from "I'm not good enough and don't know what I'm doing!" thinking and scared that you won't be able to make your next car payment? 


to feel super successful YET relaxed enough to watch your favourite Reality TV mid-afternoon, to get all your stuff done WHILE chatting to your bestie, to have a thriving business AND a life?


to tap into your inner badass and discover a woman so vibrant and unstoppable, that you dream big AND feel powerful?


If the answer is a resounding "yes," it's time to embark on a profound journey of inner growth, connecting it to a powerful outer strategy. One where you will learn to build your life and, consequently, a business that reflects your authentic badass self, making you stand out from the competition with unmatched brilliance. 


Introducing my

"Build Your Best Badass Business" Six-Month Group Program

Your Path to Authentic Business Success!




Let's face it; if you:

~ Aren't crystal clear about your values, passions, strengths

~ Waver with what you want to share with the world

~ Question your worth 

~ Believe stories that no longer serve you

~ Feel constantly overwhelmed and stressed 

~ Procrastinate and lack a strategy to keep you focused and aligned 

You may need support to build or sustain the badass business you dream of.  



Build your best, badass life and business. Whether you're a new coach, a small business owner or have an existing business, my six-month group program is for you.




Being a badass enables authentic alignment with your values, passions, and strengths. Your business shows who you really are, bringing meaning and happiness to what you do.

Embracing your inner badass boosts resilience and confidence, empowering you to overcome challenges and find creative solutions on your entrepreneurial journey.

As a true badass, you'll exude charisma, becoming a magnetic leader who inspires and influences your team, clients, and partners, attracting people to your vision and mission. 

Incorporating your unique badass qualities into your business sets you apart, making it easier to stand out in a competitive market with authentic and memorable branding.

Building a Badass Business means forging meaningful connections with your audience.  Embrace being yourself to attract clients who believe in the same things you do, building lasting relationships that grow steadily over time.

Book Your Badass Breakthrough Session Today


Who This Program Is For


  • Visionary entrepreneurs and business owners. Those eager to unlock their inner badass and build a business that reflects their authentic selves. If you're ready to connect deeply with your audience, stand out from the competition, and lead with charisma and influence, this program is tailor-made for you.

  •  Impact seekers. This program is your secret weapon to build your best life, make an unforgettable impression on your dream audience, and dominate the competitive landscape. Get ready to feel excited as you discover who you really are and make real connections that feel right to your core. 

  • Those ready to go all-in and invest their time, energy, and resources into building their dream life and business. This program is custom-crafted for fearless dreamers who are willing to roll up their sleeves and put in the hard work required to build their best badass life and create a business that truly matches their ambitions so they smile when no one is looking.  

Who This Program Is NOT For


  • Quick fix, seekers. If you're searching for a temporary solution for your happiness and business needs, this offer is for someone else. I focus on building lasting growth that requires a thorough and thoughtful approach and understanding your authentic self, leaving no room for shortcuts.

  • Those uninterested in personal growth.  I created this program to provide substantial support for your personal development journey, while simultaneously amplifying the brilliance of your business. If personal growth and self-reflection are not aligned with your current goals, this program may not be the best fit for your needs at this moment.

  • People who are unwilling to invest in professional assistance. If you're not open to investing in expert guidance and support for your personal and business development, this program may not be the right match for you. It is designed for those who recognize the value of professional assistance in building a badass life a successful brand.

Book Your Badass Breakthrough Session Today

Six Months, Six Modules

Here's a sneak peek...

Module 1: Clarity & Authenticity - Discover your badass self and your brand identity

In this module, I'll guide you toward finding crystal-clear clarity in all areas of your life. Say goodbye to confusion and hello to a life aligned with your deepest desires. Discover what truly matters to you, how to mirror that in your business, and unlock the door to your next level of growth. Get ready to experience the joy of living a life that is authentically yours and growing a business that reflects that!


Module 2: Mindset & Mindfulness - Master Your Inner World

Your mindset is the key to unlocking unlimited possibilities. Together, we'll dive deep into the power of your thoughts and beliefs. Learn how to harness the strength of a positive mindset and cultivate mindfulness to experience each moment fully. By developing a powerful mindset and practicing mindfulness, you'll have the tools to overcome any obstacle, create the life you truly deserve, and navigate your entrepreneurial journey like a badass while being transparent and genuine with your soul clients.


Module 3: Courage & Your Story - Rewrite Your Narrative and Develop Brand Guidelines

Courage is the fuel that propels us forward, even in the face of adversity. In this module, I'll help you tap into your currency of courage and unleash your inner warrior. You'll learn to embrace your unique story, transforming it into a tale of triumph and inspiration. Your past no longer defines you; it becomes the foundation for your future success and the voice of your business.


Module 4: Setting Boundaries for Your Truth - Honor Your Worth, Empower Your Relationships

Setting powerful boundaries is an act of self-love and self-respect. It's also a strong strategy for a badass business. Together, I'll guide you in establishing healthy boundaries that honour your worth and create harmonious relationships. Discover the beauty of asserting your needs and creating space for others to bring out their best, including your soul clients. It's time to reclaim your power and cultivate relationships that nourish your soul and business.


Module 5: Turn Challenges into Successes - Unwrap the Gifts Within and Stand Out in a Crowd

Challenges are not roadblocks; they are growth opportunities. This module will show you how to transform obstacles into stepping stones toward success. Learn to embrace creativity as you differentiate yourself and your business while you unlock the hidden gifts within challenges. Your journey will become proof of your resilience, and every success will be a testament to your relentless spirit and boldness.


Module 6: Goal Set for Your Badass Life & Business - Declare Your Intentions, Create Your Reality 

You hold the power to define yourself and shape your destiny. In this final module, I'll help you set powerful goals aligning with your dream, discover something to stand for and learn the importance of calculated risks in life & business. Declare your intentions with every thought and take inspired action toward your badassery. With my guidance, you'll unleash your full potential, shatter limitations, and create a truly extraordinary brand.


Book Your Badass Breakthrough Session Today

Here’s what you’ll have at the end of the 6-month group program:


  • Crystal-clear clarity about what you want in every aspect of your life. 
  • The opportunity for your business to have significant growth as you discover what truly lights your fire.
  • Unapologetic authenticity that shines through in everything you do.
  • A mindset to attract limitless opportunities and fuel your success. 
  • The inner courage to turn your story into one of triumph.
  • Empowering boundaries that honour your worth and propel your dreams forward.
  • The desire to embrace challenges with badass resilience and showcase your strength.
  • Bold goals that once seemed out of reach and celebrate your unwavering determination.
  • Cultivated an authentic brand that resonates deeply with your soul clients.
  • Forged meaningful relationships that support and uplift you on your journey toward fulfillment.
  • Realized your full potential as you overcome obstacles and experience profound growth.
  • Boldly crafted life and business in alignment with your dreams and desires, ready to embrace the future with unyielding confidence.

Want Even More Benefits?

"Mahara's work is so transcending and transformational! She truly has a guiding soul and talent that helps you step beyond your excuses and fears and into your power and potential, even the reality of being a badass!" Rachelle

Are you ready to step into your greatness and build your best badass business? 

Join my 6-month group program and surround yourself with a community of like-minded individuals committed to their growth and transformation. Together, we'll embark on self-discovery, empowerment, and personal evolution.

Claim your spot today and unlock the extraordinary life that awaits you. Embrace your authenticity, unleash your potential, and build your best badass business!


Here's to you! 👑

Investment: USD 5997

Payment plans are available ~ See FAQs for details


Book Your Badass Breakthrough Session Today


The most incredible growth happens when we are encouraged to change, supported along the way, and empowered to be our best!


Let's connect!